Friday, March 02, 2018

Secular Man at the Judgment

And so it came to pass that Secular Man appeared before God in the Judgment.  Now, Secular Man had many college degrees, much money, and vast power and influence, but like all people, his life ended, and now, to his great surprise, he appeared here.

It shouldn’t have happened this way. There was no evidence for this deity he now faced, at least not of the compelling and extraordinary kind that he required considering the extraordinary claims of believers.  Now, it was clear he had miscalculated, and badly.

Perhaps there was a way out this, if he was clever enough..

So, God asked Secular Man if he had sinned against others? Had he stolen? Had he lied? Lusted? and at each question, the clever response that occurred to him in his mind was immediately answered with a view of scenes from his own life. Yes, I have stolen, lied, disrespected my parents, lusted and so much more. Yes, but so has everyone else, he protested. 

God responded to his thoughts: yes, so has everyone else and they have all made themselves unsuitable for eternal life in a place where there is no longer any evil.  Everyone except for my Son. My Son came to earth to offer you a way out of the natural results of your sins; what did you say to Him?

Well, you have to understand, said Secular man, I was raised in a scientific world that had left behind superstition, oh, I'm sorry if that offended you, but the world I lived in, the water I swam in, simply did not include you.  Everything was explained by nature and mechanism in my world, how was I supposed to believe otherwise?  Therefore, how can I be judged?

But you didn't really believe that matter could generate DNA did you?

Well, no, that did not make any sense to me, to be honest.

Worse, you knew that life was unexplainable by any of the science you so fervently believed in, didn't you?

Well, yes, but I had made a commitment to material causes and I didn't want to be disrespected by my glittering circle of friends and then be rejected and lose all those opportunities in life, and after all, what else was there? Where could I turn? You know, those believers really weren’t our type. And say, why didn’t you make them more like us? You know, rich? powerful? shakers and movers? The people who really ran things? Ivy league grads and all that?  Why were they so, so, plain, and boring?

But you knew, you knew that there had to be more didn't you?

Well yes, but I figured that I'm a good person, at least as good as any of my friends.  I wasn't as bad as many of them.  What more do you want of me?

Repentance for your sins, and a total embrace and commitment of the new life offered to you by my Son and His death on the cross for your sins, so that you are safe to take to heaven.

Well who knew? How was I to know? Who tried to tell me these things? Yes, my dull believer cousin tried to get me to go to this Crusade thing.  Crusade! Can you believe it? It sounded so medieval!

Did you not feel a strong pull in your heart saying GO, you really need to go to this?

Well, yes I did feel that, but I thought it was superstition.

No, it was one of Us. He is called the Holy Spirit.

Then God turned to the group sitting near Him saying "I believe you know this man" as God pointed to a frail old man with a head of white hair and a gleam in his eyes.

And Secular Man, remembering, perhaps for the first time in his life fell silent.

So, if you, dear reader, are Secular Man/Woman, if you have swam in the water of our age, believing there was no other option for thinking people, that you could never accept Belief, and after all no one ever stood there, through all of it, telling you of this very day that is coming and of God's great love for you and passion to save you, and then invited you to come to your Creator before it was too late, then know this one great thing; there was someone.

There he is, seated in the great crowd, by the throne of the creator of the universe.

Make the change today. Come to the Lord, fall at the cross, repent. Ask Jesus into your life. Make Him the King of your life.  We're going to heaven. We want you to go with us.


  1. Great story Don!!

  2. Thank you Ken. I realized today the incredible importance of this great man.
